
"Write what you see." "I see people."


Sarah Cohen

An Explosion in Slow Motion

A thread of a story that came to me on a weekend away.

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Old Bjorn

This is something of a collaboration Dad and I did back when I was about 13 or 14; mostly his ideas, but I wrote it out. I entered it into our local homeschoolers’ network creative writing competition; one judge absolutely loved it, but the others thought it was too cryptic.

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Christmas Music (University Assignment 2)

200-Level Creative Writing paper that I did last year. Constraints and specifications for Assignment 2: between 1100 and 1300 words, and must include snow, a key, music, something broken, and an empty notebook as major story features. Marking emphasis on showing strong emotion and description of the setting including “local colour” in dialogue. Final mark: A+

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Nix (University Assignment 1)

200-Level Creative Writing paper that I did last year. Constraints and specifications for Assignment 1: between 1100 and 1300 words, and must include the ocean, a shadow, night time, a disturbing dream, and a lucky charm as major story features. Marking emphasis on plot construction. Final mark: A+

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Earlier this month my church hosted a creative arts exhibition/worship event, and this year’s theme was the Biblical parable of “The Good Samaritan.” I decided to enter a short story, and I wanted to tell it from the victim’s perspective. Setting it in 17th Century America during the time of the Salem witch trials gave me an opportunity to highlight the tendency of Western colonial nations to treat indigeneity as otherness.

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