Howdy! So here’s the deal: long story short, my name’s Sarah (or Tigerlily, or Slaw, or Sara-spelled-Sarah, or Cohen), and I like to write stories in between, and sometimes instead of, things I really should be doing with my time.

This is the first time I’ve gone out of my way to actually share some of these stories, so bear with me and my somewhat cautious and suspicious attitude. I’ve noticed a tendency for some to read another’s work and immediately try and speculate the “reasons” or “inspirations” behind it, and jump to wild and unfair conclusions about the author’s personal life, spiritual condition, and/or family relationships. This is perhaps a rather unnecessarily paranoid reason for stashing my notebooks under my bed and not typing on anything with an internet connection, but observation and experience has had me a tad wary at times. If there is a particular inspiration or reason for me writing a certain story, I will explain it in an introductory sentence or two. If not, then you can safely assume that I made it up for my own entertainment, or to mull over an idea or concept through the cathartic filters of fiction.

As for what I write, I believe that fiction, even that purposed for entertainment, should never be meaningless. I could never write frivolous fluff and call it honest, when all it does is sugar-coat and bury an issue that needs exposing. On the other hand, I am by no means endorsing gratuitous unpleasantness just for the sake of it. People cheerily talk about bringing light into darkness, as if the worst thing they are expecting to find in this eviscerated patch-up job of humanity is a few spiders under the bed and one or two severe cases of dehydration. As Stephen King says, “if you intend to write as truthfully as you can, your days as a member of polite society are numbered.” And to be honest, I’m fine with that.
